Maintainer: Naramsim
A PokeAPI wrapper intended for browsers only. Comes fully asynchronous (with localForage) and built-in cache. Offers also Image Caching through the inclusion of a Service Worker. For a Node (server-side) wrapper see: pokedex-promise-v2
npm install pokeapi-js-wrapper --save
<script src=""></script>
const Pokedex = require("pokeapi-js-wrapper")
const P = new Pokedex.Pokedex()
const P = new Pokedex.Pokedex()
// with await, be sure to be in an async function (and in a try/catch)
(async () => {
const golduck = await P.getPokemonByName("golduck")
// or with Promises
.then(function(response) {
]).then( response => {
Pass an Object to Pokedex()
in order to configure it. Available options: protocol
, hostName
, versionPath
, cache
, timeout
(ms), and cacheImages
Any option is optional :smile:. All the default values can be found here
const Pokedex = require("pokeapi-js-wrapper")
const customOptions = {
protocol: "https",
hostName: "localhost:443",
versionPath: "/api/v2/",
cache: true,
timeout: 5 * 1000, // 5s
cacheImages: true
const P = new Pokedex.Pokedex(customOptions) serves its Pokemon images through Github. For example, the front default DreamWorld image of Pikachu is found at this URL:
enables browsers to cache all these images by:
In this way when pokeapi-js-wrapper
’s Pokedex
is created it will install and start the Service Worker you are serving at the root of your server. The Service Worker will intercept all the calls your HTML/CSS/JS are making to get PokeAPI’s images and will cache them.
It’s fundamental that you download the Service Worker we provide(Right Click + Save As) and you serve it from the root of your project/server. Service Workers in fact cannot be installed from a domain different than yours.
A basic example is hosted here.
can be tested using two strategies. One is with Node, since this package works with Node (although not recommended), and the other with a browser.
npm test
Or open /test/test.html
in your browser. A live version can be found at gh-pages
All the endpoints and the functions to access PokeAPI’s endpoints are listed in the long table below. Each function .ByName(name)
accepts names and ids. The only 5 functions .ById(id)
only accept ids. You can also pass an array to each function, it will retrieve the data for each element asynchronously.
P.getPokemonByName("eevee").then(function(response) {
P.getPokemonSpeciesByName(25).then(function(response) {
P.getBerryByName(["cheri", "chesto", 5]).then(function(response) {
// `response` will be an Array containing 3 Objects
// response.forEach((item) => {console.log(item.size)}) // 80,50,20
P.getMachineById(3).then(function(response) {
For each PokeAPI’s root endpoint we provide a method to get all the items served by that endpoint. By default the method will return every item in the endpoint. If needed an offset and a limit can be configured.
is where to start. The first item that you will get. Default 0
is how many items you want to list. Default 100000
TIP: Do not pass any config Object to your call, since you will get every item and everything will be cached
The following snippet will get the list of Pokémon between ID 34 and ID 44
const interval = {
offset: 34,
limit: 10,
P.getPokemonsList(interval).then(function(response) {
Function | Mapped PokeAPI endpoint |
getEndpointsList() |
/ |
getBerriesList() |
/berry |
getBerriesFirmnesssList() |
/berry-firmness |
getBerriesFlavorsList() |
/berry-flavor |
getContestTypesList() |
/contest-type |
getContestEffectsList() |
/contest-effect |
getSuperContestEffectsList() |
/super-contest-effect |
getEncounterMethodsList() |
/encounter-method |
getEncounterConditionsList() |
/encounter-condition |
getEncounterConditionValuesList() |
/encounter-condition-value |
getEvolutionChainsList() |
/evolution-chain |
getEvolutionTriggersList() |
/evolution-trigger |
getGenerationsList() |
/generation |
getPokedexsList() |
/pokedex |
getVersionsList() |
/version |
getVersionGroupsList() |
/version-group |
getItemsList() |
/item |
getItemAttributesList() |
/item-attribute |
getItemCategoriesList() |
/item-category |
getItemFlingEffectsList() |
/item-fling-effect |
getItemPocketsList() |
/item-pocket |
getMachinesList() |
/machine |
getMovesList() |
/move |
getMoveAilmentsList() |
/move-ailment |
getMoveBattleStylesList() |
/move-battle-style |
getMoveCategoriesList() |
/move-category |
getMoveDamageClassesList() |
/move-damage-class |
getMoveLearnMethodsList() |
/move-learn-method |
getMoveTargetsList() |
/move-target |
getLocationsList() |
/location |
getLocationAreasList() |
/location-area |
getPalParkAreasList() |
/pal-park-area |
getRegionsList() |
/region |
getAbilitiesList() |
/ability |
getCharacteristicsList() |
/characteristic |
getEggGroupsList() |
/egg-group |
getGendersList() |
/gender |
getGrowthRatesList() |
/growth-rate |
getNaturesList() |
/nature |
getPokeathlonStatsList() |
/pokeathlon-stat |
getPokemonsList() |
/pokemon |
getPokemonColorsList() |
/pokemon-color |
getPokemonFormsList() |
/pokemon-form |
getPokemonHabitatsList() |
/pokemon-habitat |
getPokemonShapesList() |
/pokemon-shape |
getPokemonSpeciesList() |
/pokemon-species |
getStatsList() |
/stat |
getTypesList() |
/type |
getLanguagesList() |
/language |
Use .resource()
to query any URL or path. Also this function accepts both single values and Arrays.
]).then(function(response) {
P.resource("api/v2/berry/5").then(function(response) {
In order to target this browser you must load a Promise
polyfill before pokeapi-js-wrapper
. You can choose one of your choice, we recommend jakearchibald/es6-promise or stefanpenner/es6-promise